How to Begin at the Barre
How to Begin at the Barre
Are you new to the barre scene? Wondering how to approach or where to start? Are you intimidated by the “barre burn” or maybe coming back from an injury and want to slowly ease your way back to the barre? You are not alone! The majority of new clients and subscribers I get are first-timers and have no idea what they are doing! But surprisingly enough, the least frequently asked question I get is “what do I do?” Which I think is the reason why many become easily frustrated or discouraged and don’t continue. So let’s start from the beginning, taking it one step at a time, with how to begin at the barre!
1.) 15 Minute 1-on-1. Did you know that I offer a free 15 minute 1-on-1 for both new in-person and on-demand subscribers? What better way to start a new workout routine than with a one-on-one with the instructor? We will not only get to know each other (hello connection and community!), but also talk about your goals and go over any questions or concerns you might have to help make a plan specific to your needs! We will also talk more about a couple of the key points below. I wrote a whole blog post about our 15 minute 1-on-1’s that you can find here!
2.) You Do You, Boo. I know that it can be intimidating and maybe even a little daunting when you are starting out new at anything. Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed and frustrated when taking a barre class (either in-person or online) and feel like you can’t keep up. But I want you to remember this: You do you, boo. Everyone was new at first! You can either use the other class participants/instructors as motivation or completely tune them out, whatever works for you! Take all the modifications and options that the instructor offers, they are there for a reason! You are no less fierce if you slow down, take breaks or simply march in place. And if you feel like you need an option/modification different than what the instructor is offering, don’t be afraid to ask for it! You know your body best, so listen to her!
3.) Practice Makes Perfect. “When at first you don’t succeed try, try again!” Think about how many amazing things we would miss out on if we gave up after the first try? The cliche is true, practice really does make perfect. I tell my first-timers that the first class is always the hardest, it’s all downhill from there! I suggest following the monthly calendar that I provide and doing the same playlist multiple times a week, at least three times a week. This will help familiarize you with the workout so you can get comfortable with the modifications and reach out if you need more, prevent injuries, help build your confidence and track your progress. Remember, where you are on day one is not where you will always be!
I really do believe barre is for everybody! As an instructor, it is so important for me to make sure everyone feels comfortable and confident at the barre. I know it can be overwhelming for some, so I hope these three tips and reminders help better prepare you and make you feel like your best self when beginning at the barre!
RAre you ready to begin at the barre? I am so excited for our brand new “Back to Barre Basics” program that just launched this month! You get four beginner versions of some of our most popular playlists that have been specially curated for those brand new to the barre or recovering from an injury, along with gentle yoga, stretching and some dance cardio for extra fun! I have also included a 30-day calendar to help keep you on track and set you up for success! You can try it out here!
Heather McCreight