How Can I Use My New Barre Instructor Certification?

You have just attended your first Barre Instructor Training and you are thinking, “Ok, now what?!” As cliché as it might sound, the world is your oyster! The opportunities are endless and what you do with it and where you go is truly up to you and what fits you best! I am going to break down three of the most common options for what to do with your brand spanking new certification to better help you figure it out!

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What I Think About Working Out on Vacation

As summer quickly approaches and you can start to smell your vacation in the air and you begin that packing list in anticipation, you may be contemplating how many pairs of workout clothes you need to pack. I often get asked by my private clients to create a workout routine for them to take on vacation or my on-demand subscribers being to download their favorite workouts in case of spotty wifi. I myself enjoy a vacation workout, in fact, my husband works out the most when on vacation. This is all fine and dandy, as long as these three things don’t come into play…

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My 3 Favorite Ways to Use Weights in My Barre Classes

If you are looking for ways to make your barre classes or workouts a little more spicy, than I highly recommend adding weights. I am not talking about turning it into a weight-lifting class, so no need to be scared! 2-3 lbs is what I like to max out at and those small weights can definitely bring the heat! No matter what levels you have in your class, weights can be easily added or taken away with no disruption, allowing for seamless transitions and modifications. And my favorite part is that you can use this prop in every aspect of your class! From the warm-up to the barre, weights can do it all!

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My 3 Favorite Ways to Use the Resistance Band

Resistance bands are a great way to add resistance to numerous upper and lower body exercises and help make the “ordinary,” extraordinary. I believe a light resistance band gives just the right amount of resistance without overdoing it and causing injury. They are one of my favorite props to use in a barre class because it gives a little extra burn and quicker muscle fatigue. And because they are “small but mighty,” resistance bands are my go-to to pack when traveling! If you are looking to spice things up, here are my three favorite ways to use the resistance band.

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How to Love Your Body

For some, this seems like an impossible task. And it honestly doesn’t help that diet culture literally tells us in not so subtle ways everyday that we in fact should not love our bodies. But we should, and we can. I believe there are three different ways that help move us in the direction of loving not only our bodies, but who we are and were created to be.

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Why Motivation Isn't Everything You Need

Ever find yourself using the excuse “I’m just not motivated to workout?” Well good news, you don’t necessarily need motivation to keep on your health and wellness journey. Motivation is a fickle thing, it comes and goes. It’s not something you can rely on at all times. Sometimes you are going to need more than motivation. And I have more good news, these three things are much more reliable!

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Why Private Lessons are Right for You

Ever feel like you aren’t getting exactly what you need during a group fitness class? I love teaching and taking group classes and I can still definitely feel like this at times! It is nearly impossible to get one-on-one attention in a group setting, which is why I love private lessons. For some, this may feel like a far off luxury, but I am here to tell you private sessions are for everyone and why they are the right fit for you!

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My Top 3 Favorite Total Body Exercises

I get asked quite often what my favorite type of exercises are, and if you know me, you know I am all about efficiency and getting the most amount in in the least amount of time. Get in, get done, get out! So my answer is always any exercise that targets the entire body head-to-toe! And bonus points if they have a cardio component that gets my heart pumpin’! Total body exercises are not only great for those who are short on time and are craving an effective workout, but they also improve our mind-body connection and requires us to focus on proper form and muscle control. With all the different exercises out there that fit this criteria, there are three that are at the top of my list!

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A Letter To My Younger Self Preparing Her For Her Infertility Journey

10 years ago I was living my best life living out my dreams of dancing on cruise ships, waking up in a different Caribbean island every day. The thought of one day having a child was quite possibly the furthest thing on my mind. Perhaps due to lack of knowledge, preconceived notions or influenced by culture, I took for granite the idea that when the day came that I was “ready,” it would just happen. Looking back now almost a decade later, on an infertility journey that I don’t think I ever could have foreseen, I wish more than anything I could equip my younger self with what she would need to get through it. I would hug her and whisper in her ear “You’ve got this because He’s got this!” Which is why I suppose I felt the desire to write myself a letter to the girl I was ten years ago to not only look back at what I wish I would have known then, but to also share my story in hopes it helps someone on a similar journey.

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Why I Love Teaching In-Person and Virtually

Even prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, I was already teaching in a hybrid model, offering both in-person and virtual classes. At the time, the virtual aspect was on-demand classes and since then I now also offer a livestream option for real-time classes. Many instructors strictly prefer one or the other - teaching in-person or teaching virtually. I have actually always preferred having both options available to my clients and for myself, and even more so in this post-pandemic world!

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Heather McCreight Comment
Three Ways Intuitive Eating Has Changed My Life

A little over three years ago I found Intuitive Eating and it has turned my world upside down, in the best way possible. (If you aren’t familiar with my disordered eating past, I wrote a blog “Why I Don’t Do Diets” that gives a brief history.) Unlike the false promises that diets make you, the Intuitive Eating concept is very realistic that it is not a quick fix and I can definitely attest to the ups and downs I have had on my own journey to a healthier relationship with food and body image. But here I am, a happier human for it with a much better head space around eating and moving my body and I just want to shout from the rooftops how Intuitive Eating has changed my life!

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My 3 Favorite Exercises for the Booty

Booty, booty, booty rocking everywhere! I can’t not sing that song when I think about working the booty! I think it’s safe to say that strengthening the derrièr is definitely a fan favorite. Vanity aside, a strong gluteus maximus is super beneficial for overall physical health. They help proper pelvic alignment, propulsion during walking and running, balance, support the lower back during lifting and prevent knee injuries. The options are endless for working the rear end, but I’ve got my own three personal favorite exercises that will really fire them up!

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My Top 3 Way to Meal Plan, Prep and Pack

If you are anything like me, meal times are some of your most favorite parts of your day! But trying to come up with what I am going to eat when I am hangry can be a recipe for toddler-like tantrums and a meltdown! One of my favorite ways to ensure that I am eating nutritious and delicious meals without the hanger episodes is to make sure I have a game plan. My three tips to meal planning, prepping and packing have helped take the angst out of mealtime and have even made cooking enjoyable!

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How I Batch Content

Whether you are a fitness instructor, small business owner or both, you are more than likely trying to expand your brand in the great big world of social media. For me, figuring out the latest algorithm and what to post and share next is my least favorite part of the gig. So to help keep me more at the barre and less on my phone, I have had to learn how to create the best possible content for my audience while taking up the least amount of my time. Batching content has been such a game changer for me and allows me to share what I love doing with the world while still doing what I love the most!

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Heather McCreight
My 3 Favorite Ways to Use a Yoga Block in My Barre Class

Although the yoga block has been a staple in yoga classes for decades, it’s fairly new when it comes to bring used as a prop in the barre world. For those not too familiar with it, a typical yoga block is rectangular in shape measuring 9in x 4.5in x 3in. It can be made out of hard foam, bamboo, cork or wood and comes in an array of colors. To change things up in my classes without too much extra thinking on my part, I like to use the block to replace the small pilates ball. It helps create a greater challenge by adding different height levels, instability and resistance, thus causing quicker muscle fatigue. I love a multi-functioning prop and one that can be used throughout my whole workout and I would love to share my three favorite ways to the yoga block in my barre classes with you!

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Heather McCreight
My Morning Routine

If you don’t know already, I thrive off of order. I also find that my anxiety and need to control everything is much lower if I am able to start my day with one constant thing, something that I can actually control before the rest of the world and day gets in the way. Which is why about a year ago I started my morning routine. Especially as a business owner, my morning routine has become clutch to starting my day. It’s a way for me to have it all - have a slow start (instead of as soon as my feet hits in the floor it’s go, go, go) and put myself first so that I can then focus on everything else. I’ve created a “process” so to speak that allows me to actually look forward to getting up and I am excited to share my blueprint with you!

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Heather McCreight
How to Teach Your Fitness Classes Online

Whether you wish to teach virtually for scheduling reasons, want to reach a broader global audience or are forced to close your physical studio doors due to a global pandemic, the world of fitness is going online! Even if you are a veteran instructor or someone just starting out, being able and ready to teach online is a valuable tool you will definitely want in your toolkit. Prior to the pandemic I already had an online presence with my on-demand virtual library, so switching to teaching 100% of my classes virtually was fortunately not a huge ordeal. But that is not the case for many so I am here to help your transition to teaching your classes online as seamless and smoothly as possible!

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Heather McCreight
Top 3 Ways to Use the Gliding Discs in Your Barre Classes

Compared to the Pilates Ball and weights, gliding discs are somewhat of newbies when it comes to barre props. Although they don’t provide any obvious resistance or extra work load per se, gliders do play a very important role when it comes to bringing the barre burn to your barre workout. As their name implies, gliding discs allow you to “glide” within your full range of motion, thus lengthening and strengthening all major muscle groups. They are great to use in all aspects of a class - warmup, mat work and barre work. Let’s dive into my favorite ways to use the gliders from bottom to top, and don’t forget, if you don’t have actual gliding discs washcloths, sock or a paper plate will work great!

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Heather McCreight
Why You Should Teach the Same Playlist Multiple Times a Week

Are you feeling burnt out always trying to create new playlists and programs multiple times a week? Overwhelmed with all the different choreography swimming around your head? Running out of fresh ideas and new music to bring to your classes? I come bearing a big tip that will help lift all those burdens off your instructor shoulders! Why not try teaching the same playlist in your classes multiple times a week? I know it may seem a bit original, but it’s one of the biggest things I encourage during our Instructor Trainings and I am here to share the secret sauce with you as well!

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Heather McCreight