Why Workplace Workouts Are So Important

Why Workplace Workouts Are So Important


In this day and age, there is an increasing emphasis on the importance of work/life balance, self-care and the the benefits of exercise. We are even starting to see a shift in the focus of wellness in the workplace. But why is it so important to be intentional about taking a break during your work day to work out and can it be a positive thing for both parties involved - not only the employees, but also the employer? Barre Where You Are was first created to do just this, and in the last three years I have seen a plethora of benefits of why workplace workouts are so important. 

1.) Health First. We all know at this point a very obvious fact - exercising and healthy living are good for your physical, mental and emotional health. By having the opportunity to get their workout in during their work day, employees are able to reap all the benefits in the most convenient way possible! And not only are they going to be able to reduce their health risks, the midday workout also provides them a mental break and a way to reduce stress. The employers can benefit from fewer sick days from their employees and could reduce health care costs longterm.

2.) Put In to Get Out. As I mentioned earlier, I have taught thousands of barre classes in a variety of different work environments. More often than you probably think, I have had clients tell me that they really were not wanting to come in to the office that day, but they did because they didn’t want to miss barre! Having something for employees to look forward to during their mundane days helps motivate them and create a positive mindset. And as the saying goes, “a power plant has to create energy to give energy.” Employees coming back to their desks after a workout will have increased levels of endorphins which will help them to become more productive for the rest of their day. Every employer obviously wants increased productivity from their employees!

3.) Be Attractive. Having a set wellness program in the workplace can have the same affect as allowing people to bring their dogs into the office! It boosts employee moral and their energy. Providing exercise classes for everyone in the office will also create camaraderie and a great team building experience. A positive environment where everyone has a good attitude and gets along creates a culture that people will want to stay, which increases employee retention. It also is attractive to prospective candidates if they walk in and can see that their potential new “boss” cares so much about their well-being.

When you really stop and think about it, it’s a win-win for everyone. Both sides will benefit from having an emphasis on wellness in the workplace and providing workplace workouts - the employee AND the employer. Exercising is proven to increase all aspects of one’s health: healthy employees = happy employers. And because healthy employees also means an increase in productivity, longevity and positive culture, business can really start to boom!

If you are in the Charleston, South Carolina area and are interested in implementing a Workplace Workouts in your work environment, please reach out to me here.

Hope to see you at the barre soon!


Heather McCreight

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