Why Motivation Isn't Everything You Need

Why Motivation Isn’t Everything You Need

Ever find yourself using the excuse “I’m just not motivated to workout?” Well good news, you don’t necessarily need motivation to keep on your health and wellness journey. Motivation is a fickle thing, it comes and goes. It’s not something you can rely on at all times. Sometimes you are going to need more than motivation. And I have more good news, these three things are much more reliable!

1.) Consistency. You’ve heard it time and time again - “Consistency is key.” And that’s because it’s true! You do something consistently enough, regardless of whether you feel motivated to, and it becomes a habit. Second nature. Wondering where to even begin with becoming consistent with your workouts? First, find a schedule that works for you. Is it better/easier/more convenient to workout in the morning before work? Or maybe you prefer the evenings? Whichever it is, create a routine that is doable and made an appointment with yourself and don’t cancel. I literally schedule my workouts into my daily calendar and to-do lists. Just like you wouldn’t flake on a doctor’s appointment, show up for yourself! And remember, not ever workout has to be “picture perfect.” It’s not an “all or nothing” kind of thing. Some days your workouts may be just 15 minutes, other days you might be able to get a whole hour in. The length, intensity or type of movement doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you do something consistently.

2.) Accountability. Another way to stay consistent is to have accountability. This can look like a lot of different things. Perhaps you feed off of other people’s energy or know you will show up if you have given your word to someone else. Invite a friend or family member to join you in your workouts - you both attend the same group fitness class at your local gym, have her come over to your house to do an on-demand workout, or even FaceTime or Zoom with each other while you are both working out in your own spaces! If you are motivated by visual tracking, go back to your kindergarten days and a create a sticker chart and put a sticker on each day to help keep track and hold yourself accountable! My private clients tell me that having a private session with me 1-2 days a week helps hold them accountable and know that they are at least getting to move their bodies in an intentional way each week!

3.) Enjoyment. Last but certainly not least, perhaps the most important of them all, is to find something you love. A workout that doesn't feel like work or something you dread. I can promise you that there is a program out there that you will actually enjoy and have fun doing! Find a class/genre/program/movement that feels good to you both physically and emotionally and aligns with your goals and values. This can change, ebb and flow over time. If you find that you are dreading or not enjoying what you are doing, re-evaluate and try something new! You may even find that a little hiatus and coming back to it will help bring the joy back. If you love what you do, you’ll never workout a day in your life ;)

So there you have it, motivation isn’t everything you need! I hope you find this encouraging and normalizes your feelings about working out. When motivation fails you, lean into the ever faithful consistency, accountability and enjoyment!

My goal with Barre Where You Are is to help you with all of the above! I offer on-demand classes that are super fun, livestream classes and private lessons to help keep every Barre Babe consistent, accountable and enjoying moving their bodies!


Heather McCreight