How to Love Your Body

How to Love Your Body

For some, this seems like an impossible task. And it honestly doesn’t help that diet culture literally tells us in not so subtle ways everyday that we in fact should not love our bodies. But we should, and we can. I believe there are three different ways that help move us in the direction of loving not only our bodies, but who we are and were created to be.

1.) Protect Your Mind. Maybe you didn’t see this one coming? But like I mentioned earlier, there are messages targeted at us everyday in every direction of how imperfect our bodies are and why we should hate them. If you are allowing those messages to enter through your eyes and ears, your mind is going to start thinking they are true. So instead, clean out your social media of anything that makes you feel ick, unworthy and not enough. Watch shows and movies that are life-giving. Immerse yourself around people who are saying positive and loving things towards themselves and avoid those who are negative and self-depricating.

2.) Respect Your Body. You only have one, so take care of it. Create habits that promote health and well-being. This can look like many different things - getting 7-8 hours of sleep, drinking enough water, moving your body in ways that you enjoy, eat foods that taste good and do good, etc. Just make sure all the habits come from a place of love and not trying to change the size or look of your body. Dress in clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident. Don’t feel pressured by society to dress like the current trends if that doesn't make you feel like yourself. And lastly, repeat positive affirmations or truth from scripture like “You are wonderfully made, dearly beloved, and precious in His sight” from Psalm 139.

3.) Give Yourself Grace. Be kind to yourself and don’t be so hard on yourself. Not everyday is going to be a day that you are always going to look in the mirror and say, “dang I love the way I look,” but everyday can be a day that you say “I love who I am and who I was made to be.”

These are the three things that you can start doing right now to help you love your body. By protecting your mind, respecting your body and giving yourself grace you can go against “the norm” and find peace and happiness within.

If you are looking to create a healthy habit and find a fun and enjoyable way to move your body, I would love to have you try out any of my on-demand classes, livestream classes or private lessons!


Heather McCreight

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